ABOS03 HMS Lycra

You all know that we see many shapes and sizes of Lycra-clad bodies about the streets on their bikes.
"AB & OS" is a cartoon following the colourful lives of two sailors during the time of the Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815). The strip has been regularly featured in Warships IFR magazine (Published monthly) until recently. I'll be adding new cartoons here as they are published.
Hopefully, as well as putting a smile on your face perhaps you'll learn a little history of the period so be sure to read the descriptions for each comic if something zooms right over your head like a jumbo jet.
And check out the Roots page for Abie and Os's background, the Come Ashore page for a bit more fun and the Naval Stuff page for a bit more learning. If you want to spend some money, then the Shop page or the Donate button will be of interest to you.